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7 Tips for Geeting the BEST Life Insurance in Canada!

Picture of James Heidebrecht

James Heidebrecht


Picture of Kymberly Redmond <span style="border:2px solid; border-radius:20px; padding:10px; font-size:12px;"><img alt="Fack Checked Icon" style="width:10px;"  src="https://policyarchitects.com/CN/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Factchecked.png"> Fact Checked</span>

Kymberly Redmond Fack Checked Icon Fact Checked


The Average Cost of Life Insurance in Canada Per Month is way less than people expect. 

As a discriminating customer, you aren’t satisfied with second best and don’t want to overpay for your protection.

Why would you? In today’s world, we have tons of information at our fingertips. Hey, Google makes us sound like experts in almost any area of expertise.



You literally could spend days awash in information. 

So why not use Policy Architects to help you sort through all the data? To get you started, I’ll give you some tips on how to get the best life insurance in Canada at the most affordable rates!

8 Ways to Get the BEST Life Insurance in Canada…AFFORDABLY!

I’m sharing 8 of my top tips to help you make the right choices about life insurance! Don’t get me wrong; this doesn’t replace the advice of a good independent life insurance agent, but it sure can help steer you in the right direction!

1.  Avoid Tied Agents Like the Plague

Using an independent agent can lower your average monthly cost of life insurance.

I’m sorry, tied agents. While I love and appreciate your job, you can’t consistently deliver Canada’s best life insurance policies. 

So why would I make such an inflammatory statement?

Because we can save you some serious cash, that’s why.

A Tied or captive agent is associated with one company and, as a result, only sells the products offered by the company that employs them. 

Independent Life Insurance Agents Get You the Rates 

Always call an independent agent like Policy Architects to get the best rates in Canada. We have access to all the top life insurance companies and will find the one that best suits your circumstances.

If you read my articles, one thing stands out—not all life insurance companies are created equal.

Selecting a life insurance company that’s tough on diabetes means you pay a lot more than you would through one that has aggressive underwriting standards for diabetes.

Don’t ever underestimate these savings. Over your term, they can be in the 10’s of thousands of dollars. 

2. Prepare for Your Exam – Don’t Avoid It! 

Always prepare for your medical exam!

One of the biggest obstacles to getting people insured is delay tactics. I see it all the time.

Sure, none of us wants to pay insurance premiums monthly, and if you’re healthy, it seems like you have all the time in the world to purchase that policy.

Unfortunately, years pass while you “get ready” for your life insurance exam. So, that slight uptick you get from preparing for it is nullified by your procrastination.

You’ve hit two more birthdays, and your premiums are more expensive regardless of whether you lost those 5 pounds.

So what’s the answer?

Take a couple of weeks before your life insurance exam to follow a few simple rules. Knock out the:

  • transfats
  • sugary snacks
  • fried goodies

Opt instead for lots of fruit, vegetables, fish, and lean meat. This is good for your health overall, no matter how you look at it.

“Eat less and move more.” Oh, such simple advice, but is maintaining “a healthy weight really that simple? We live in an era of nutritional misinformation and opinions galore. These days, it seems that everyone feels qualified to offer expert advice on diet, exercise and weight loss.

With rising obesity rates all around the world, we are constantly searching for approaches to better manage our weight and our health.”

Have We Found a Diet That Truly Works?, the Scientific American

Destress and Take Time for YOU

Get to the gym, go for a walk, and meditate. Do whatever you can to destress your life. Again, this is something you should do for yourself as a rule – not just because your life insurance exam is coming up.

Also, remember to hydrate. In this busy world, it’s easy to forget to drink water. Try to get 8 cups daily.

When you call up your agent, make sure they plan your exam for first thing in the morning. You can get it out of the way, and there is less time for you to freak out 😉

The day before, avoid caffeine, alcohol, and your trip to the gym. Yep. All of these things may negatively impact your results. Just chill and eat healthily.

And be sure not to snack late at night, either!

Another great tip is to not eat in the morning and drink a few glasses of fresh water before the nurse arrives.

Before you know it, the exam is over. It’s straightforward, and the good news is that most people are healthier than they think.

NOTE* If you’re hypoglycemic or diabetic, different rules apply.

3. Quit Smoking

I can say with 100% certainty that the Average Cost of Life Insurance in Canada Per Month Is Less if you DON’T SMOKE!

This section is a little more complicated. The statement above suggests that I’m discouraging smokers from getting life insurance.

I’m not but know that if you smoke, you pay 2 to 3 times the amount a nonsmoker does.

The good news is that when you quit for 12 months or more, you’re no longer considered a smoker and may even qualify for standard rates.

So what should smokers who intend to quit…but still need life insurance today do?

The answer is simple: start a smoking cessation program and document it with your family doctor as soon as possible.

Once you are covered, we can return to the life insurance company one year later for improved rates. If you’re a smoker, check out my latest article.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t put off getting covered because you smoke. This can be a damaging cycle that leaves your family unprotected.

4. Be Aware of Life Insurance Birthdays and Cut Off Years

Every year you age, you’re a little closer to death, as morbid as that sounds.

Life insurance is a business, and it’s all about assessing risk. This is why older people pay more money for life insurance than younger people.

Generally, once you’re in your 50s, your life insurance rates increase by approximately 9% yearly.

Honestly, this is less important for young millennials than it is for boomers, who must pay a bit more after every birthday.

There are also very significant life insurance birthdays when longer-term coverage becomes unavailable. For example, once you’re over 55, you can no longer apply for a 30-year term, as it caps out at 85.

So, if you’re in your early 50s like I am and are looking for longer-term protection because you have a young family, make sure you apply for Term 30 before you turn 56.

You should also be aware that life insurance birthdays are different from yours.

For life insurance coverage, the age at which life insurance companies underwrite you is whichever birthday you’re six months closer to. For example, if you are 59 and were born on October 12th, 1959, after June 12th, 2019, you are considered 60 in life insurance years. 

No Biggie – Right?…Wrong

Because our client is getting older (a nonsmoking male in average health), his premiums have increased.

So, $500K of coverage for 20 years at age 59 costs him $382 monthly with Wawanesa.

By age 60, he pays $429.75 per month. While this may not seem like a staggering figure, if you do the math over 20 years, it’s $11,448.00 of savings!

This is why some people backdate their premium payments to ensure they fit into the life insurance birthday window.

5. Plan Ahead! 

I guarantee that the average cost of life insurance in Canada per month is less if you plan.

Did you know the amount of coverage you need changes over time?

This is why a financial needs analysis is so critical. It’s easy to overlook how things may unfold over the years.

I would say this is one of the biggest reasons people are underinsured. They do their planning with no vision for the future.

So, let’s say a client is looking for coverage at age 30 because they’re thinking ahead. They know premiums will be much less expensive early in life. 

The rub? They select a green life insurance agent. Sadly, this agent relies solely on the client’s financial estimate to determine the amount of coverage.

This particular client opts for $500K for 30 years, which is fantastic. They have a very young family and no mortgage, so they are overinsured. But this is not the end of the story.

Life insurance in canada for seniors

Life Changes, and So Do Your Needs for Coverage 

This client has a promising career in technology. By age 38, he owned his own company and bought a home in Toronto for $1.5 million.

Did I mention he has another child with his second wife?

As you can see, his needs are suddenly ginormous compared to his current coverage. He is also a stressed-out guy with some medical issues, so he can kiss that preferred, plus rating goodbye and say hello to standard.

If he applies for additional coverage, he pays a lot more. 

Now, let’s take a different path. At Policy Architects, we discuss his future financial goals to ensure that $500K is enough coverage.

This discussion uncovers the fact that his profession pays a pretty penny. He based his policy request on his current circumstances, NOT where he planned to be in 10, 20, or 30 years.

Of course, we aren’t psychics, so predicting his divorce isn’t in the cards. Considering his professional goals, we could have guessed that his coverage would be inadequate further down the road.

Which brings me to the next money savings tip…

6. The Average Cost of Life Insurance in Canada Per Month Is Less If You Layer Coverage When Needed 

So what if you have an increased need for life insurance in the first ten years of your policy and then have those needs drop off? 

This is a typical situation for most families. They take out coverage when their kids are young and their mortgage is at its highest point.

As time passes, they pay down their debt, the kids move out, and their needs wind down.

You want to get insured while you are young and healthy. Now what? Should you jump into a 30-year term with a high face value and bite the bullet?

Nope! There’s another money-saving way to approach this situation.

Take out a set of policies that drop off as you outgrow the need.

Layering At Work! 

For example, our 40-year-old client needs $1 million in coverage for 20 years. His kids are already 5 and 9, so this will take him through their college years and into early adulthood.

He also has a 30-year amortized mortgage he’s been paying down. With the kids gone, he wants to make sure he has money to cover the remaining mortgage and help his wife.

The solution? He buys a $500,000 20-year term policy and a $500,000 30-year term policy.  So, in effect, he has $1 million of coverage for 20 years and then $500,000 for the next ten years.

Layering two policies saves him at least 30% on his life insurance.

7. Stay Away from No Medical Exam Life Insurance When You’re Healthy!

The Average Cost of Life Insurance in Canada per month is less if you avoid no-exam coverage when you’re healthy.

No matter how you slice and dice it, a no-medical-exam life insurance policy always costs more than a traditionally underwritten policy if you’re in good health. 

This is because the life insurance company has limited information about your situation – which means you’re riskier to insure. The result? Premiums increase the less information you offer.

Don’t get me wrong—no-medical-exam life insurance is a terrific product and certainly has its place. For example, I think small final expense plans are great in the right situation.

It also works well if you have serious medical issues. You can buy no-exam coverage to ensure your protection and then try to obtain underwritten coverage to see if you can do better.

It’s a Good Safety Net!

You can drop the no-exam protection for a better deal if you do. It may also be less expensive than getting rated. 

This is why you have to speak to the independent life insurance agents at Policy Architects. We can help walk you through this process.

8. Buy Term & Invest the Rest in the Right Situation 

Did you know there are two basic types of life insurance? Yes, indeed, Permanent life insurance and term life insurance.

Term life insurance is affordable and protects your family through the most vulnerable periods. Honestly, term works for most people most of the time.

However, there is a caveat: It does not protect until the day you die, and there is no cash value accumulation feature. That’s left for permanent insurance, such as whole life and universal life insurance. 

So why do I recommend buying term for savings?

Permanent insurance is far more expensive. This is because you receive a payout if you pay your premiums throughout your lifetime.

The thing is, for me, life insurance isn’t an “investment” per se. If you’re looking for a return, there are other places to park your money.

Permanent is GREAT If It’s the Right Fit

Don’t get me wrong; there are exceptions to this rule. If you’re in a very narrow class of people that includes those who have: 

  • Estates
  • There is a need for tax shelters because you’ve exhausted all other options
  • A child or children with special needs
  • Business interests that require permanent coverage
  • You are looking to cover final expenses in your later years

…then permanent life insurance may be a good fit for you.  If not, I would highly suggest buying term coverage and investing the money you save.

Also, as an aside, most term policies contain a conversion feature that allows you to roll the policy over to permanent coverage without an exam if you still need protection.

Be sure to check with your agent to ensure this feature is available. 

The Average Cost of Life Insurance in Canada Per Month Is Less

If You Use Policy Architects

The Average Cost of Life Insurance in Canada Per Month is less if you use the right agent. This is the key to savings.

Selecting a well-seasoned independent agent with access to numerous resources may save tens of thousands throughout your policy. 

It is important to consider details, such as performing a needs analysis, to ensure you have the right coverage at the right price.

At Policy Architects, we know the ins and outs of all the best life insurance companies, and we aren’t tied to any insurer.

This means savings for you! Call us today. We can help.

Best life insurance in canada Policy Architects


Picture of James Heidebrecht

James Heidebrecht

Written by James Heidebrecht licensed agent, Policy Architects founder.

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